
Tribute to Mariide

Mariide 2013

Northwest Folklife Festival

May 26, 2023 3-4:30 PM Cornish Courtyard

The Folk Community lost a great musician and friend in November 2022.  Mariide Widman devoted her life to her family, music, and sense of humanity and fair play.

We will celebrate Mariide’s life at Folklife 2023.  Folks will sing her favorite songs and speak about her friendship and achievements.    

Add your name to the hat beforehand if you are interested in sharing a song or reminiscence by May 20th.  We may not be able to accommodate everyone to present at the memorial, but do join us to sing along.

Click below to offer a remembrance or song in a simple form.  You’ll be added to the program as time allows. Brevity appreciated.

<– Here is the Shanty Compilation Mariide and Trapper created in 1981 

Collection of Song Lyrics from Mariide’s two albums.

Quarter Page double sided Hand-out for Folklife Tribute 2023